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Hi, I'm Emily                     

The Energizer Health & Fitness Coach

I'm a 46 year old single mom of 2 boys, working in Healthcare as an Occupational Therapist for 24 years, turned health and fitness coach 5 years ago. Working in healthcare, I have seen people suffer from chronic medical conditions due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Over 80% of chronic health conditions are caused by unhealthy habits.  

At the age of 40, I became a health and fitness coach, with my mission to help others become the best version of themselves and develop healthy sustainable habits to prevent the development of these conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, and obesity. 

You see, It’s our thoughts, actions and habits create our realities. I love shifting this for people. My favorite clients to work with are the ones ready for help busting through everything holding them back so THEY too can create EVERYTHING FROM NOTHING.

I'm on a mission to help women lose the weight for good and feel amazing in their bodies without having to spend years of their life continuing the yo-yo diet cycle. Because the weight loss struggle isn't just about a number on the scale... ...it can take away so much from our lives. I'm here to help women reclaim their strong, happy, confident life so they can be fully engaged with their friends and families, have the energy to enjoy their favorite activities, and be proud of what they see in the mirror. And I get it, because the yo-yo roller coaster ride has been my life too.

In my Get Fit & Healthy program I help shift women's views on fitness, nutrition and mindset. I show that fitness can be FUN & you can lose weight without dieting, but it all starts with shifting your thoughts and beliefs about being healthy. My program includes at home workouts for all fitness levels that you can do anytime with limited time, space and equipment. My nutritional plans include recipes without dieting or counting calories.   

I don't believe in deprivation, because  I know from personal and professional experience  it never works long-term

Throughout my teenage years and into my 30s, I was constantly dieting and working out 2-3 hours a day. Yep, I was on those low-carb, low-fat, can't hang out with your friends on the weekends kind of diet. During those years I lost weight and leaned up, but I was also completely exhausted, had no life outside of work and working out, and still never felt good enough despite how good I looked. I spent those 20 years battling the constant deprive, binge, beat myself up, start over on Monday cycle. 

So I went on a mission to find a better way, a SUSTAINABLE way to stay on track with food, be kinder to myself and my body, and to end the yo-yo diet roller coaster ride.

I took courses. I got coaching. I read books. It took me years to learn how to keep the weight off and do it in a way that's simple, sustainable and that feels good! And that's why I do what I do today. My mission is to help women lose the weight for good and feel amazing in their bodies without having to continue spending years of their life gaining and losing the same weight. I'm here to help thousands of women lose the fat FOREVER, reclaim their confidence, live a happier life, and love themselves again.

Think about it. Where will YOU be in ten years if you make this decision TODAY?

I don't have a single, itty-bitty doubt in my mind you can achieve your fitness goals–– if you DECIDE to commit to them. I believe everyone deserves to experience life in a body they feel confident in, which is why I’m so deeply passionate about sharing my secret to fast and lasting fat loss with as many women as I possibly can.


Lasting weight loss, quick & effective workouts, making nutrition and fitness simple so it works in anyone's busy life


Fad diets, quick fixes, deprivation, starving yourself, hours of cardio, beating yourself up, or tying worth into a scale 


Writing content that inspires, coaching amazing clients, watching my sons sporting events, enjoying the outdoors biking or hiking & dancing any chance I get 


Morning meditation, gratitude journal, dancing before, during and after my workout, lifting weights, and going outside for my daily walks, rain or shine.

Get Results Now

What DOES work, in the long run, is small but effective habits

that are easy and FUN to maintain.

If you don’t love your lifestyle, you’re not loving your LIFE. It's as simple as that. Your fitness routine should be a recipe for happiness, not misery. That’s exactly why The Get Fit and Healthy program works so well. It amplifies your quality of life while ALSO giving your body the exercise and nutrition it needs to look and feel GREAT. If everything else you’ve tried has deflated your self esteem, energy and motivation, then it's time you got Fit, Healthy & Energized with Emily!

"I believe everyone deserves to experience life in a body they feel confident in. I've helped hundreds of women and now it's your turn."

Start Your Fit & Healthy Journey in 3 simple steps:

Step #1 DECIDE

Invest in yourself & join. Immediately upon signing up, you will be given an intake evaluation form to fill out so I can personalize your experience and know exactly how to coach you

Step #2 VISION

It's time to visualize how you want to FEEL and LOOK (because I’m gonna get you there). I will teach you everything I know and you will have this knowledge for life.

Step #3 ACTION

Follow my simple, easy, and fun process. Feel in shape, empowered, and in control. You will hit all of your health goals and experience what it feels like to Be Fit, Healthy & Energized!!

Get Results Now